The online Eventor system is used throughout Australia to manage registration and membership. It is also used for entering orienteering events and to display event information and results. To enter events you need to first register in Eventor as either a Casual or as a full member of an orienteering club. Eventor is connected to PayPal which enables users to pay online for club membership and pre-entry to events.
How To Register and Join an Orienteering Club or Casuals Group
The guide below will take you through how to register yourself in Eventor and then join either an orienteering club or a casuals group.
If you elect to join an orienteering club you will be able to chose from 'Australopers' (south), 'Esk Valley' (north), St Helens Orienteering Club (Tas) or 'Pathfinders' (north-west). At the end of the process you will need to pay for your club membership using PayPal (you don't have to have an existing PayPal account). As a club member you will enjoy a number of benefits including discounted entry fees for events.
If you elect to become a casual you will join the 'Casuals TAS' group. You will not need to pay any membership fees. However, you will be able to enter Tasmanian orienteering events but will not receive a discount on entry fees.
How to register and join an orienteering club or casuals group
Registering Family Members
Each family member will need to be individually registered and joined to either an orienteering club or a casuals group.
Please see the previous section on How to register and join an orienteering club or casuals group
How to Convert Casual Membership to Club Membership
If you have registered as a casual and now would like to enjoy the benefits of becoming a full club member, below is a guide on how to do the conversion.
How to Convert Casual Membership to Club Membership
How to Renew Membership in Eventor
Eventor uses your previous year’s membership details to create your renewal form for the next year. When renewing your own membership you can optionally include family or other members of your club in a single payment in PayPal.
The basic process is:
Login to Eventor and then select My pages > My memberships
Click on the ‘renew’ link and check your membership and personal info is correct
Select and add another person from your family or club if you want to include them in the renewal.
Select ‘Next’ on the bottom of the screen, then ‘Save’, then ‘Go to payment page in PayPal’
Complete the payment in PayPal and then check your receipt and memberships
Full details are available in this guide: How to renew membership in Eventor
'Veteran concession + local entry' Membership
This is a special membership for veterans (65 or older as at 31 December of the membership year) who hold a current Services Australia issued ‘Pensioner Concession Card’ or ‘Health Care Card’. It gives free entry to local events and discounted entry to state-wide events. If you are eligible for this new type of membership please check out About Ticket to Wellbeing before renewing your membership. This link includes info on applying for vouchers and setting up your membership in Eventor.
'Junior membership + local entry' Membership
This is a special membership for juniors (20 or younger as at 31 December of the membership year) which includes free entry to local events. If you are eligible for this type of membership please check out About Ticket to Play before renewing your membership. This link includes info on applying for vouchers and setting up your membership in Eventor.
Need Help
If you need further assistance please email the Eventor Manager - Ian Rathbone